

We are featured on NEWS 545 by TV Saitama at 5:45pm Japan Time tomorrow, on August 3

We were interviewed for Tea Field Therapy held together with Miyano en in Sayama Saitama.It will be broadcasted tomorro...

【The 1st Tea Field Therapy】 An amazing and relaxing time together with wonderful people

I was blessed with the Tea Field Therapy that I held for the first time in June, and I was blessed with wonderful relat...

【Tea Field Therapy】Tea Mindfulness in the Farm near Tokyo:Brand new experience that you have never done before!

“May you be peaceful with Japanese tea, even just a little.” A special collaboration between a tea farmer in Sayama, Sa...

Tea Mindfulness at Jōbokuin Temple with CHA-Link and Rica Takeuchi, Miss Tea Ambassador

The Japanese media, grape Japan that shares Japanese culture and trends with foreigners featured our Tea Mindrulness ag...

Inner Calm in a Teacup: CHA-Link Meditation and Tea with Miss Tea Ambassador Rica Takeuchi

A Japanese media, grape Japan introducing Japanese culture and trends featured us, CHA-Link Tea Mindfulness! T...